The Factory of Terror DOES NOT search for lost property during operational hours. If we happen to come across a lost item, we will turn it into the box office.  Searches for specific lost items will be conducted on weekdays or before the show on the next operational night. The Factory of Terror DOES NOT guarantee that all lost items will be found. We will make every effort to find the item without compromising the integrity of the show.

The Factory of Terror stores abandoned and unclaimed property in an “as is” condition.  Factory of Terror makes no expressed or implied warranties and no representation as to the property’s safety, condition, storage, or fitness for any purpose. The property being claimed is returned in an  “as is” condition. The claimant agrees to indemnify and hold the Factory of Terror harmless from any liability for any reason in regard to the property being claimed.

Lost IDs will be mailed out within 2 weeks of the finding date.  Credit cards will be shredded within 1 week of finding. Larger valuables will be kept for 1 year.

Unclaimed Found Items

  • Space Grey/Black iPhone 8, brown case
    • Found under vortex tunnel in Massacre on Mahoning (house #4, next to the last house)

Lost Items

Fill out this form to report lost items at the Factory of Terror.